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Cartwright and Palmer Orthodontics Blog

My Teeth Feel Loose – Are My Braces Making Them Fall Out?

September 1, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — smilesbypalmer @ 9:51 pm
Woman with braces panicking because her teeth feel loose

You might have heard from your peers that metal braces can come with some “interesting” sensations. But after your latest dental appointment, your teeth really feel like they’re going to fall right out! Are your orthodontics wiggling them loose?

Take a deep breath – there’s no cause for alarm in this scenario. Keep reading to learn more about what’s going on with your pearly whites and why you shouldn’t worry.


Occupational Orthodontics: 3 Tips for Wearing Braces to Work

August 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — smilesbypalmer @ 3:08 pm
Woman in blue suit with red hair smiling with braces at work

Although we tend to think of orthodontics as being for teenagers, plenty of adults benefit from having braces. Over time, even the straightest smiles can shift out of alignment due to the constant pressure from chewing. This impacts more than just your appearance because crooked or overcrowded teeth are also harder to clean, which can cause dental dilemmas.

There’s no shame in undergoing treatment to improve your oral health, but you might worry about how to take care of the metal brackets while you’re working. Continue reading to learn 3 tips to help you maintain your orthodontics on the job!


4 Tips to Addressing Common Problems Brought On By Braces

July 10, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — smilesbypalmer @ 6:30 pm
female patient with braces seeing an orthodontist

Wearing metal braces has its advantages. Their ability to produce straighter teeth and healthier smiles makes them a time-tested solution that orthodontists continue to rely on when treating patients with crooked, crowded, misaligned, and gapped teeth. However, their design can cause problems for some individuals. If you are struggling with discomfort, sensitivity, or another similar issue, read on to discover 4 things you can do to ensure a more enjoyable orthodontic experience.


Why Have My Clear Aligners Changed Colors?

June 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — smilesbypalmer @ 5:27 am
Someone with clear aligners

Clear aligners distinguishes itself from traditional braces in all kinds of ways, one of which is the freedom that it gives you. The fact that clear aligners are removable means that you can eat and drink whatever you want, so long as you take your trays off beforehand.

However, that freedom also comes with a level with responsibility when it comes to cleaning. For example, you might find that your aligners have become discolored after a while of wearing them. Here’s why that could be, and what you can do about it.
