Smiles by Palmer Orthodontics Blog

Seven Little Things You Never Knew About Braces

July 13, 2023

A young boy with braces on his cell phone

Braces may not be the subject of much conversation at your dinner table (unless someone in your family happens to have them). But the history and science behind these complex little devices can make for far more interesting conversation than you know!

Just look at these seven little-known facts about braces, and you’ll see that it’s more than delicate metal and rubber.


Questions You Should Ask During Your First Orthodontic Appointment

June 2, 2023

a patient during their initial orthodontic consultation

Whether you’ve just recently decided to pursue orthodontic treatment or you’ve been contemplating it for a while, there’s likely quite a lot on your mind—after all, straightening your smile is a pretty big commitment! That said, knowledge is power; the more you know about orthodontic treatment, the better you’ll feel about committing to it and ensuring that things go as planned. Here are a few must-ask questions for you to keep in mind going into your initial orthodontic consultation that your provider will be happy to answer!


Think You’re Too Old for Clear Aligners? Here’s Why You’re Not!

April 20, 2023

Mature woman smiling while holding clear aligner

If you looked into straightening your teeth decades ago, you might have been told that metal brackets and wires were the only solution. Today, that’s far from the case. Clear aligners are custom-made for each patient, and they are as effective as they are discreet. There’s another perk: they are suitable for patients of all ages! With this in mind, keep reading to learn why you’re not too old for clear aligners.


Why Your Child Should Wear a Mouthguard

February 21, 2023

kids playing soccer in field

When it comes to keeping your child’s smile healthy, teaching them about the importance of brushing, flossing, and eating a healthy diet is key. Even with this knowledge, accidents can still happen. If they play contact sports or get a little too rowdy on the playground, they may end up getting popped in the mouth. Keep reading to learn about the importance of dental mouthguards and how they can protect your little one from trauma to their teeth and other oral structures.


How to Prevent & Manage Mouth Sores with Braces

January 18, 2023

a woman happily smiling with braces and no mouth sores

Traditional braces have been the most common—and successful– orthodontic treatment for many years to achieve a straighter, aligned smile! From minor gapping to severely rotated teeth, they can fix a range of dental issues. Although braces can help you achieve the smile of your dreams, it’s no secret that they also can cause mouth sores. Read on to learn tips on how to prevent and manage mouth sores caused by braces.


3 Tips for Eating Holiday Meals with Braces 

December 18, 2022

There are a lot of things to keep up with during the holidays. From travel arrangements to preparing the guest bedrooms for loved ones, things can get hectic quickly. On top of that, there’s also the food. Cooking special holiday meals takes a lot of preparation, but the end result is worth it. Even so, eating during the holidays looks a little different if you have braces. Continue reading to learn three helpful tips that will make eating holiday meals with braces a breeze.


Stocking Stuffers for Kids with Braces

November 22, 2022

Christmas stockings hung by the fire.

Stockings are iconic to the holiday season, but along with them come some treats that aren’t great for your child’s metal braces. The sweets that normally become stocking stuffers can potentially snap a wire or pop a bracket. If you want to protect your child’s teeth and engage in this tradition, here are some things that could take the place of sticky sweets this year.


Tips for Preventing Orthodontic Emergencies

October 23, 2022

Patient with orthodontic emergencyDid you know 1 in 5 orthodontic patients is over the age of 18? It’s never too late to invest in a healthy, straight smile with traditional braces. Following your orthodontist’s instructions, like brushing and flossing, will prevent any delays in your journey to a better smile; however, accidents can happen. Although you might not expect any orthodontic emergencies, it’s best to plan ahead just in case. Here’s what you need to know to prevent an orthodontic emergency from interrupting your day.


How to Respond If You Break Your Braces

August 19, 2022

A patient covering her broken braces

When you experience broken braces, your first instinct might be to panic. After all, aren’t these metal brackets and wires supposed to be really sturdy? The fact that they suddenly broke must mean something is seriously wrong with your treatment! However, this reaction is neither helpful nor called for. It’d be better if you took the necessary steps to fix your problem. Luckily, your McMurray dentist is here to help that happen. Read on to learn four things you should do if your braces malfunction.


5 Tips for Removing Your Clear Aligners

May 1, 2022

Woman removing her clear aligners.

When it comes to quickly and subtly improving your smile, few options are as impressive as clear aligners. Provided you do things correctly, they can effectively fix misaligned and crooked teeth and give you a straighter, healthier set of pearly whites. However, even though it’s crucial to wear your aligners for about 22 hours a day, there will still be times when you’ll need to take them out. But there’s nothing to worry about—this is easier than it sounds! Keep reading to learn about five tips that will help you safely and correctly remove your aligners without compromising your treatment.
